# Create an Entando Platform Capability

An Entando Platform Capability, or EPC, is a packaged component bundle that adds functionality and UX controls to the Platform. An EPC simplifies the addition of menu options, an API management page, or WCMS integration like Strapi, all from the App Builder. This tutorial demonstrates how to build a simple EPC from a React micro frontend (MFE) bundle.

# Prerequisites

  • A working instance of Entando
  • An existing React MFE

# Create a Simple EPC

Working with the React MFE Tutorial, the following steps convert the React bundle into an EPC by modifying the bundle descriptor and customizing the public path to serve static assets.

# Configure the Bundle Descriptor

Edit the simple-mfe micro frontend in the bundle descriptor entando.json in the root bundle directory.

  1. Change the type to app-builder:
  "type": "app-builder" 
  1. Remove the titles attribute

  2. Add the following attributes:

"slot": "content",
"paths": ["/YOUR-MFE-NAME"],
"nav": [
        "label": {
          "en": "YOUR EPC LABEL IN ENGLISH",
          "it": "YOUR EPC LABEL IN ITALIAN"
        "target": "internal", 
        "url": "/YOUR-MFE-NAME"
  • type: EPCs require app-builder type MFE
  • slot: Placement of the EPC on a page
  • paths: The URL path to the EPC in the App Builder. An external URL can be entered
  • nav: The visible label for the navigation name in the App Builder Menu
  1. Save the entando.json

For more details on attributes, see the Bundle Details page.

# Optional: Configure the Custom Element Paths

If you have static assets such as images or style sheets in your MFE, modify microfrontends/YOUR-MFE-NAME/src/custom-elements/public-path.js.

  1. Retrieve the bundle ID using your bundle name and Docker information:

    ent ecr get-bundle-id https://registry.hub.docker.com/YOUR-DOCKER-ORGANIZATION/YOUR-BUNDLE-NAME

    YOUR-BUNDLE-ID will be an 8-digit string of numbers and letters.

  2. Determine the bundle and widget codes. The CODE is simply the concatenation of the bundle name, a dash, and YOUR-BUNDLE-ID.


    e.g. With a bundle named bundleOne, a widget named mfeTwo, and a bundle ID of 4986eb9c: YOUR-BUNDLE-CODE: bundleOne-4986eb9c
    YOUR-WIDGET-CODE: mfeTwo-4986eb9c

  3. Using your CODEs, replace the contents of public-path.js with the following:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    let publicpath = '/entando-de-app/cmsresources/bundles/YOUR-BUNDLE-CODE/widgets/YOUR-WIDGET-CODE/'
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
    __webpack_public_path__ = publicpath || './';

e.g. for the example from Step 2:
publicpath = '/entando-de-app/cmsresources/bundles/bundleOne-4986eb9c/widgets/mfeTwo-4986eb9c/'

# Build and Install the EPC

  1. From the bundle root directory, build and install the bundle:

    ent bundle pack
    ent bundle publish
    ent bundle deploy
    ent bundle install

  2. Log in to your App Builder to see the new EPC:

    • Go to EPC from the left menu and choose Uncategorized
    • Click on your EPC label
      You should see the spinning React logo inside the App Builder.


You now have an EPC running on Entando!

Next Steps