# Tutorial: Blueprint generated widgets' overview

When you create an entity using Entando blueprint, it generates a few premade widgets. In this section we will review them.

We will be using Conference as an entity name for the examples below.

# Common parts

Each widget contains a README file that should help you with the setup.

All generated widgets are web components created using Custom Elements API.

Each widget is displayed using the custom element tag - e.g., inside the Details widget folder conference/detailsWidget/public/index.html you can find conference-details id="1" override-edit-handler hide-edit-button />. This element <conference-details /> is defined in the component entry point at conference/detailsWidget/src/custom-elements/ConferenceDetailsElement.js.


custom element names (conference-details) require a dash in them to be used, e.g., (kebab-case) - they can not be single words.

For more information about web components, custom elements and micro frontends, please refer to "Create a react micro frontend widget" section.

# Authentication

If widget requires authentication, component is wrapped in KeycloakContext.Provider and Keycloak object is fetched from window.entando.keycloak variable. Entando is using Keycloak as our authentication provider, but you can add any providers you like.

  <KeycloakContext.Provider value={this.keycloak}>
    <StylesProvider jss={this.jss}>
      <ThemeProvider theme={this.muiTheme}>{FormContainer}</ThemeProvider>

For more information about authentication implementation, please refer to the "Authentication" section.

# Custom events

All widgets rely on custom events for communication which is why custom event creation and removal is in each widget, as well as event listener creation. Note that when an event listener is created, it should be when the element is no longer needed. It should be created in the custom element’s disconnectedCallback() function.

To add more events to listen to the widgets, add the event types to INPUT_EVENT_TYPES object at detailsWidget/src/custom-elements/widgetEventTypes.js which will add it to the listener list (or remove the event by removing the element).

For more information about custom events and widget communication, please refer to the section on "Widget communication".

# Tests and mocks

Each widget has tests written for it. Entando uses react-testing-library, but developers are free to upgrade and use any tool. Tests are kept at detailsWidget/src/components/ and mocks for them are at detailsWidget/src/components/.

# PropTypes

PropTypes for data used across several components are shared - you can see and modify them at detailsWidget/src/components/. This way you can avoid repeating same propTypes in each component and just import shared ones

import React from 'react';
import conferenceType from 'components/__types__/conference';

const ConferenceDetails = props => {
  // ...

ConferenceDetails.propTypes = {
  conference: conferenceType,
  t: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

export default ConferenceDetails;

# Fetching data

For data fetching from widgets use Fetch API. You can find functions for fetching data at detailsWidget/src/api in different files for different contexts.

# Form widget

For displaying forms within a widget use Formik (opens new window) which helps with form state management. For data validation use Yup (opens new window).