# Change Default Datasources and Connections

# Purpose

This tutorial explains how to customize our EAP and Wildfly base Docker images, and then configure the EntandoApp custom resource to use these customizations

# Requirements

  • The Entando Operator is running in the target names

  • Keycloak and the Entando Cluster Infrastructure have been deployed

  • The required external databases and other services are up and running.

  • Your own custom project as described in the tutorial

# Steps

# 1. Create a Docker project for your own base image to Entando's standard base image(s)

Create a project, ideally in Git repository, and put the following files in the folder

# 1.1. The standalone.xml/standalone-openshift.xml file of choice

It is essential for your custom Docker image to use a file from one of the official Entando Docker base images.

If you intend to use provide your own EAP based image, please use this standalone-openshift.xml (opens new window) file.

If you intend to use provide your own Wildfly based image, please use this standalone.xml (opens new window) file.

Please note that if you create your own base image with a different version of EAP or Wildfly, using these files may have unintended consequences.

# 1.2. Any modules that may be required for your datasource or other connection resource

If the resource you need to connect to requires some custom classes, such as JDBC drivers, please add these as
a module to Wildfly/EAP. As an example, you can look at our Derby database module (opens new window) that Entando uses for embedded databases. Please ensure that the path of the folder containing the jar files reflects the fully qualified name of the module in the module.xml file.

# 1.3 Dockerfile

In your Dockerfile, please be sure to extend the correct base image, and add the correct configuration file to the correct location in the target image.

For EAP, a most basic Dockerfile would look like this:

FROM entando/entando-eap71-clustered-base:6.1.2
COPY --chown=185:0 ./standalone-openshift.xml /opt/eap/standalone/configuration

For Wildfly, a most basic Dockerfile would look like this:

FROM entando/entando-eap71-clustered-base:6.1.2
COPY --chown=1001:0 ./standalone.xml /wildfly/standalone/configuration

Please take note of the user ownership in these different Dockerfiles. This is quite important as Openshift will expect the user/group ownership to be respected.

# 2. Customize the standalone.xml/standalone-openshift.xml file using environment variables.

You can now modify your Wildfly/EAP configuration to meet your requirements. Where the configuration could differ from one environment to a next, we strongly advise using environment variable expressions (${env.VAR_NAME}). The most likely change that would be required in this file is the addition of a datasource. Here is an example of how to add a datasource to the datasources subsystem. All the environment variables starting with 'YOURDB' can be specified from the Docker container.

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:5.0">
        <datasource jndi-name="${env.YOURDB_JNDI}" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="yourDbDataSource" use-ccm="true">

Please take extra care not to remove any lines from these files. This is of particular importance in the case of the EAP image as, on startup, scripts in the official EAP look for certain placeholders in this file and populates them from other environment variables.

# 3. Build your own Docker base image

You can now build your Docker base image. It is highly recommended that you consider using a dedicated CI/CD build tool such as Jenkins X to build the base image and maintain traceability between your source code and the resulting Docker image. One possible build command could look like this:

docker build . -t your-docker-registry.com/your-org/your-base-image:1.0.0

# 4. Modify your Entando App project to use the new Docker base image

You can now modify your Entando App project that you have forked as described in the relevant tutorial. You would require two changes to the pom.xml file of the sample project.

  • Firstly, you would need to change the variable server.base.image to reflect the fully qualified URI of your Docker image for EAP and/or Wildfly. For example, if you decided to extend the Wildfly image, go to the Maven profile with the id wildfly and change the server.base.image to look like this:


  • Then you need to change the <from> element in the Fabric8 Maven Docker Plugin to reflect this variable. Navigate to the first <image> element in the pom.xml file. You have found the correct one if it contains the following xml:


Delete the entando/ prefix and the :${entando.version} suffix:


Please note that, should you still require support for both Wildfly and EAP in your Maven pom, you may need to repeat this exercise for both the eap and wildfly profiles.

# 5. Build and push your custom Docker image

Before building your Docker image, it would be a good idea to change the name of the image you want to build. Navigate to the previously modified <image> element in the Fabric8 Maven Docker Plugin.You can change the <name> element to reflect your preferred name, e.g.



mvn clean package -Pwildfly -Pderby

A new Docker image should now be available named your-docker-registry.com/your-org/your-entando-app:1.0.0

Log into the Docker registry in question and then push the image:

docker push your-docker-registry.com/your-org/your-entando-app:1.0.0

You are now ready to deploy this image.

# 6. Deploy your EntandoApp with the correct environment variables

The final step is to configure your EntandoApp deployment with the correct environment variables. As is the case with all the Entando Custom Resources that result in actual deployments, the property spec.parameters will be translated into environment variables on each of the Containers in the Deployment's Pod. For an EntandoApp named 'my-app', the new state of the EntandoApp would could be placed in a file named my-app.yaml that would look something like this:

      kind: "EntandoApp"
        name: "my-app"
        dbms: postgresql
        replicas: 1
        customServerImage: your-docker-registry.com/your-org/your-entando-app:1.0.0
        ingressPath: /your-entando-app
          YOURDB_JNDI: java/your-ds
          YOURDB_URL: jdbc:postgresql://somehost.com:5432/mydb
          YOURDB_DRIVER: postgresql
          YOURDB_USERNAME: my_user
          YOURDB_PASSWORD: mypassword
        entandoDeploymentPhase: requested

Notice how this Custom Resource specifies a parameter for each environment variable that was referenced from the standalone.xml file referenced earlier.

To apply the changes to your deployment, change the entandoStatus.entandoDeploymentPhase property to requested and apply the file:

kubectl apply -f my-app.yaml